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Booking Calendar

Booking online is not currently available. In order to continue to deliver the safe targeted lessons & similar ability groups, here at Monach Farm Riding Stables, we have decided that our staff & instructors will continue to organise the lessons according to availability and suitability.

Lessons are currently being booked by our staff on a week by week basis & we will offer you lessons as soon as we have a safe suitable place for you.

We are not prepared to compromise on the safety & welfare of our team both 4 & 2 legged.

We are currently experiencing a very high demand for lessons & cannot guarantee regular spaces especially at weekends & after school.

If you would like to be added to our client list, please send us a request for the date and time you would like to ride using WhatsApp 07483 147218

Requests are taken up to 4 weeks in advance & confirmation sent on the Monday of the week requested. A request for a lesson does not guarantee we can book you in, but we will do our best not to leave you waiting too long.


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